Lake City String Academy

String Academy returns to Lake City in 2025!

The Lake City String Academy is run by Texas Tech University Professor Annie Chalex Boyle.  She had been a guest with the LCA Chamber Music Series, invited by pianist David Palmer.  Inquiring about educational outreach programs within LCA, Mort Weir, Helen Dewey, and Gwen Powell all stepped forward to help begin the Lake City String Academy.  The LCSA is a program for collegiate level violin students, giving them a week to focus on their craft while connecting with the wonderfully supportive rural community of Lake City.

Become a Sponsor

Become a Sponsor

The students come from all over the world to be a part of this program. This is a unique opportunity to help these young artists start their musical career on the right foot. We’re looking for folks to pledge $250 and $500 amounts to cover lodging, gas, and food during their stay in Lake City.

Become a Sponsor